Category: Programming

Nice design, but utterly confusing (accessibility)

I’ve seen this survey screenshot on twitter. It is the perfect example of how something that most people find nice and funny, can be utterly confusing to me. To be honest, I would probably abandon the survey right at this screen. Not because I don’t want to be nice to...

The art of interacting with an autistic software developer (Talk)

This is the Transcript of my talk given at Djangocon Europe in 2017. You can find the youtube video here, slides can be found here. I want to thank the Djangocon community for giving me the opportunity and being supportive, My company, 89Grad, for giving me the time and support...

The more accessible way to ask for a phone number

This project consists of a small demo showing the problems and suggesting some solutions. I talked about this in my very first lighting talk ever at Djangocon Europe 2017. You can view the demo here, and find the source code here. introduction Over the years phones have become a more...