
  • Ear Protectors: an overview

    Being sensitive to sound can make peoples’ day to day lifes exhausting, and even may exclude them from taking part in certain activities. Before I was diagnosed autistic I didn’t even realise that I was more sensitive to sound than most people. There is this idea we all have, that...

  • One and a half month into a new hobby: 10 sketchnotes

    It was an overwhelming start, almost 2 months ago. The workshop took place in a room I don’t know, with half of the people I had never seen before. It lasted a whole afternoon and included a fair bit of talking (which I mainly skipped). It was so hard I...

  • Summer Books Review

    This summer I ordered three autism related books. Although they were very different, I enjoyed reading all three of them very much. The books are: The State of Grace by Rachael Lucas, Odd Girl Out by Laura James, and Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Adults by Luke Beardon. The list...

  • Nachteilsausgleich, mehr als nur ein schönes Wort?

    Jetzt, wo ich drauf und dran bin, mein zweites Bachelorstudium abzuschliessen und zuvor bereits an 2 Unis war, möchte ich gern etwas über Nachteilsausgleich schreiben. Oder genauer gesagt über Nachteilsausgleich für Autisten an Universitäten und anderen Hochschulen. Ziel ist, dass die darin enthaltenen Informationen anderen helfen. Wenn alles klappt, möchte...

  • Nice design, but utterly confusing (accessibility)

    I’ve seen this survey screenshot on twitter. It is the perfect example of how something that most people find nice and funny, can be utterly confusing to me. To be honest, I would probably abandon the survey right at this screen. Not because I don’t want to be nice to...

  • The art of interacting with an autistic software developer (Talk)

    This is the Transcript of my talk given at Djangocon Europe in 2017. You can find the youtube video here, slides can be found here. I want to thank the Djangocon community for giving me the opportunity and being supportive, My company, 89Grad, for giving me the time and support...

  • Weighted Blanket DIY

    Diese Anleitung gibt es auch auf Deutsch. Since my diagnosis I know now for sure that fighting overloads doesn’t work. So I often end up hiding under a blanket on the couch or in my bed. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes even that is too much. It is at...

  • Gewichtsdecke (Anleitung)

    This post also exists in English. Seit ich weiss, dass es nichts bringt Overloads zu bekämpfen, verschanze ich mich oft unter eine Decke im Schlafzimmer oder auf dem Sofa. Manchmal höre ich dann Musik. Manchmal ist auch das mir zu viel. In diesen Phasen, wo ich das Pulsieren und Flackern...